
On June 12, 2020, I will will be posting to this page a new weekly Bird Photo Challenge. You will be able to find upcoming prompts here once I have made the final tweeks to the rules. See ya on Friday!

Prepped with our binoculars, cameras & a spotting scope, we set off for the next adventure. To open our eyes to what nature has to offer and count birds in the process….well that is just one of the best times ever.

Smooth-Billed Ani

We were honored with the presence of this bird for a few weeks at the end of 2018 & beginning of 2019.  It was a life bird for us.

Black-Crowned Night Heron

This bird can be found throughout most of the US, Canada, Mexico and Central America. Lives in the saltmarshes, fresh water marshes, swamps, streams, rivers, lakes & other areas with water and vegetation.

Canada Goose

Not to be confused with the apparel available at Nordstrom.


Talk about a fisherman! Anhinga means snake bird and is often referred to by this name.

Common Yellowthroat

Small songbird migrates from Canada to Central America. Prominent in the United States.

Common Gallinule

A social bird lives in the southern United States & Mexico year-round. Migrates & Breeds in the central and northern states as well.


The Gray Catbird lets out a call that mimics the sound of a cat.

Little Blue Heron

This small heron is a patient species who slowly stalks their prey with grace. The strike can be quite violent for the fish on the receiving end.

White Ibis

White Ibis is a wading bird with long legs & a long curved bill. They forage on insects & crustaceans. A flock of them visited our yard this past summer, bringing their off-spring with them. Over 30 birds in our front yard at once. In 3 mornings, they cleared our yard of all grubbs. Talk about a natural pesticide.

Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal can be seen in the central to eastern side of the United States & Mexico. Both the male & female have a brilliant crest upon their head.